Collaborative Relationships Between First Nations and Municipalities in Ontario
Sheri Longboat
Associate Professor
School of Environmental Design and Rural Development
Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph

Phone: 519-842-4120 ex.52138
Office: room 119, Landscape Architecture Building, University of Guelph
Sheri Longboat is a Haudenosaunee Mohawk and member of the Six Nations of the Grand River with 20 years of practical experience working with First Nations communities. She joined the School of Environment Design and Rural Development as an Assistant Professor in July of 2016 where she supervises graduate students and teaches courses in Water Resources Management, Indigenous Experiences and Relations, and Indigenous Community Planning.
Her research examines the interface between Indigenous and Western institutions (knowledge systems, policy and governance) to address issues of water security, food sovereignty, and sustainability in First Nations communities. It is her belief that solutions for social-ecological challenges require interdisciplinary approaches, collaboration among multiple actors, and shared responsibilities.