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Mehltretter, S., Bradford, A., Longboat, S. and B. Luby. 2024. In a Good Way: Braiding Indigenous and Western Knowledge Systems to Understand and Restore Freshwater Systems. Water, 16(7): 934.

Spicer, Z., Girard, T., Nelles, J. and C. Alcantara. 2023. Measuring accountability in interlocal agreements between Indigenous and local governments. Governance, 1– 16.

Deaton B. James and B. Lipka. 2023. Cooperation Between First Nations and Municipalities: Do Water Sharing Arrangements Improve Drinking Water Quality? Land Economics, 99(3): 433-457.

Brunet, N. B. and S. Longboat. (Eds.). 2023. Local Communities and the Mining Industry: Economic Potential and Social and Environmental Responsibilities. Routledge. Free download:

Brunet, N. B., Longboat, S. and A.M. Asuncion. 2023. Introduction: Mine-community relations in the global north and south. In N. B. Brunet & S. Longboat (Eds.), Local Communities and the Mining Industry: Economic Potential and Social and Environmental Responsibilities (pp. 1-13). Routledge.  

Major, C., Longboat, S. and S. Sarapura-Escobar. 2023. Gender, indigeneity and mining. In N. B. Brunet & S. Longboat (Eds.), Local Communities and the Mining Industry: Economic Potential and Social and Environmental Responsibilities (pp. 75-99). Routledge.  

Mehltretter, S., Longboat, S., Luby, B. and A. Bradford. 2023. Indigenous and Western Knowledge: Bringing Diverse Understandings of Water Together in Practice (Technical Report), Global Commission on the Economics of Water, Paris.

Huo, C., Charbonneau, P. and C. Alcantara. 2022. Overcoming barriers to Indigenous-local water sharing agreements in Canada. Canadian Public Administration, 2022: 1-18.

Deaton, B. James and B. Lipka. 2021. The provision of drinking water in First Nations communities and Ontario municipalities: Insight into the emergence of water sharing arrangements. Ecological Economics, 189(November): 2-12.

Alcantara, C., Longboat, S. and S. Vanhooren. 2020. Improving First Nations Water Security Through Governance. Canadian Public Administration, 63(2): 155-176.

Garrod, N. 2020. Local Water Collaboration to Enhance Community Source Water Protection at Chippewas of the Thames First Nation, Ontario. MSc. Thesis. University of Guelph. 

Alcantara, C. and I. Kalman. 2019. Diversifying Methodologies: A Haudenosaunee/Settler Approach for Measuring Indigenous-Local Intergovernmental Success. Canadian Journal of Political Science, (2019): 21-38. doi:10.1017/S0008423918000409.

Deaton, B. James 2018. Agricultural Economics: Key commitments and institutional alertness. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, (2018): 1-10. DOI: 10.1111/cjag.12192. 

Alcantara, C. and J. Nelles. 2016. A Quiet Evolution: The Emergence of Indigenous-Local Intergovernmental Parternships in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 

Longboat, S. 2015. First Nations Water Security: Security for Mother Earth. Canadian Woman Studies, 30(2,3): 6-13. 

Lipka, B. and B. James Deaton. 2015. Do water service provision contracts with neighbouring communities reduce drinking water risk on Canadian reserves? Water Resources and Economics, 11: 1-50. 

Nelles, J. and C. Alcantara. 2014. Explaining the Emergence of Indigenous-Local Intergovernmental Relations in Settler Societies: A Theoretical Framework. Urban Affairs Review, 50(5): 599-622. 

Nelles, J.and C. Alcantara. 2011. Strengthening the Ties that Bind? An Analysis of Aboriginal-Municipal Intergovernmental Agreements in Canada. Canadian Public Administration, 54(3): 315-334. 

Alcantara, C. and J. Nelles. 2009. Claiming the City: Cooperation and Making the Deal in Urban Comprehensive Land Claims Negotiations in Canada. Canadian Journal of Political Science, 42(3): 705-727. 

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